All-County Concrete Pumping

All United States companiesConstruction--Special trade contractorsAll-County Concrete Pumping

177199, Concrete Pumping Contractor

All-County Concrete Pumping: address, phone, fax, email, site

Address: 4111 NW 30th Pl, Ocala, Marion, FL - Florida, US

Phone: (352)629-3037

Fax: (352)629-3037

E-mail: n\a


Owner / Director / Manager All-County Concrete Pumping: Kurt Green

Work hour and Schedule:

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Registration data All-County Concrete Pumping

Status: Registered company

Type: US proprietary company

Class: Limited by Share

Subclass: Proprietary other

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Fabricator. From USD 2300

Project Planner. From USD 3500

Project Co-ordinator. From USD 1900

Plumber. From USD 1700

Electrician. From USD 2000

Administrator. From USD 2200

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All-County Concrete Pumping is a Concrete Pumping Contractor company, located in Ocala, Marion, Florida. Its contact method and company information is as below.